
If you have an idea in mind which is not listed below, please get in touch and we can discuss if it's doable.Alternative requests like Monsters, Dragons, Animations, Environments or even Minecraft skins/custom mobs are in the realm of possibility!Please note: Prices are in GBP (Great British Pound) and you should factor in any necessary currency conversions for your local currency.

Contact me at the options below:

Frequently asked questions

What Format and Resolution will my art be?

The Cards on my gallery are 429 x 702 px .png format, but with everything being made as vectors your art can be exported to any size requested within reason.Exported art format is generally .png but can export to others on request.(please note: original Vector files are to be retained by myself)

How long will it take to complete?

I try to estimate about 1 week for lineart & 1 week for colour shading, this may differ depending on how complex or how many Arts are requested.

How will Payment be handled?

All payments are currently being handled through Paypal, but willing to seek alternative methods in future.Full payment is expected up-front, but refunds are still allowed up until Lineart is delivered for feedback.Please note: Prices are in GBP (Great British Pound) and you should factor in currency conversion to your local currency.

What do I provide when requesting art?

If requesting a custom weapon or accessory, a general idea of what you want, backed up by images of existing art to refer to helps a great deal!If requesting art based on Artix Entertainment styles, then mentioning particular items or armors from the games is useful too.If you are requesting a full npc front view, I would prefer you already have a designed character reference, or Artix Entertainment created character to be redrawn in the NPC art style.

Can I request changes as my art is being made?

After the Initial discussion about design, there will be a Lineart stage and a Shading stage.During and upon delivery of each stage, you can request adjustments regarding the said stage, but requesting changes after said stages will be at my discretion and may depend on additional payment if changes are complex.

Do you have any limitations to requested designs?

I try to keep my artwork friendly to most ages, so anything considered NSFW (Not safe for Work) such as explicit gore & nudity is not welcome.If you are requesting artwork in Artix Entertainment style, then I will adhere to their general guidelines by association.